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Data Science Wizardry Blog by Attila Vajda

Dub music, mathematics, play

things that happen 😌 #

5 min blogpost: I made an awesome to do list, because I care for the productivity of my brains. 🐢

Yesterday's journal entry:

I was a bit tired and I decided to take a break. I felt like I was in the right place. I felt like I was in the right place. I felt like I was in the right place. I felt like I was in the right place. I felt like I was in the right place

Wow! This was contributed by CodeWhisperer. Awesome! That could be a mantra. Yes.

I resonate very much with the LCC lifestyle.

Journal page with mathematics fun

I am working on an application task for Our World in Data, it is fun, although it is often frustrating. Making progress, gaining insight is the fun part, I guess. Also, applying/using the many problem solving and learning techniques I learnt over the years is fun. It is also pleasant, that I realised that this project finding the crude death rate and age-standardised death rates of COPD, or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, in the US and Uganda, in 2019 with Python is a real project I work on, and almost completed. This is interesting to me, because I used to be lost at what real project to work on, and how.

I didn't understand what crude death rate, or are standardised death rate was, so I found it difficult. To understand and calculate these values, you can spend time with solving the problem, applying problem solving, and learning methods. It becomes something simple to do.

Topologie de la droit reelle: topologie_droit_reele.png

This is a fantastic app, I'm doing it: Alcumus by Art of Problem Solving