Coffee, dreams, dim lights of dark morning
"A kezdő elméjében sok lehetőség van, a szakértőében csak kevés." - Suzuki Sunrjú
computer stand #
I built a computer stand using two card board boxes. A fruit box I use as is, and another I cut, stapled and taped to create a tilt. It works well for elevating the macbook, to keep my posture aligned, and my gaze level. Looking upward helps with being more alert.
It's a computer/cat stand. I wonder how to share photos in a table format/arrange photos in an md. I assume all HTML/CSS/JavaScript can be used here. I might be able to use this very md form for D3 data visualisations.

code puzzles #
finxter Python puzzles are awesome. I did the 100 free puzzles, I also worked through the 99 tricky puzzles book, which is very awesome. I think I failed most of those puzzles and wondered, how Python's logic is different from what my intuition is. I saved the puzzles that I struggled with, and I revisit them, which is learning in interval (intermittent?) learning. Something that works well, is asking computer agent to create versions, more challenging puzzles. To rephrase puzzles with gibberish, lighthearted variables. To combine puzzles.
# Whimsical Variable Play
# PuzzlΣ Ƨυñ 2ḡ4
class Marmalade:
flibber = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
m1, m2 = Marmalade(), Marmalade()
m1.flibber += ["qux"]
m2.flibber = m2.flibber + ["qux"]
What's the output of this perplexing snippet?
Correct: +10 Giggly Points / Wrong: -10 Whimsy Points
podcasts, learning tools #
Teach & Learn Better With A "Neuroplasticity Super Protocol" This is a very good article, with tips and tools for learning more effectively. The Huberman Lab newsletter page has many more articles, rich with great actionable tools. There is an essential toolkit for sleep. My brother sent me an episode of the Huberman Lab Podcast on dopamine. At first it seemed difficult to understand, I didn't know what dopamine was, and I was not familiar with the vocabulary. Then I relistened, and I listened to many other episodes and found that this is a very very useful podcast, with many many awesome practices that can enhance our health.
These blog posts are evolving beautifully so far. I like the md format, it seems very flexible, simple, and neat.
The cat snores, she's dysevolving. 🐈⬛
I adopted many of the tools from the Huberman Lab podcast, because I want to enhance, and maintain my health. An excellent actionable tool to improve the quality of sleep, is to view sunlight shortly after waking. This helps our body to launch its daytime circadian things. This is when I do exercise. Last Christmas ("I gave you my 🫀") after a few months of not exercising, I decided to do at least 1-5min of exercise. This is easy to do, it is in harmony with Atomic Habits, or building good habits in baby steps. If I do 1-5min of exercise, I will probably always do more, I thought. It worked, and I exercised every day, and often I did much more, like half an hour. Sometimes I stuck there for a few hours PLAYing with movement, medicine balls, weights, soft balls, resistance bands, climbing holds, my own weight. Often it was really just a few minutes of movement, but I then I could always go and do another few minutes. I became much stronger. Something that seems to work also, is exercise snacks. I would do assisted one legged squats while brushing my teeth. Combining movement with rhythm learning is awesome also. Exercising limbs according to a 4-way independent rhythm pattern. Right arm, Left leg, Left Arm, Right Leg: push up, squat, push up, squat. This can be permuted, and this gives excellent practice in music, mathematics and physical exercise at the same time. This is great cognitive training for brain connectivity.
Play is a tool that engages neuroplasticity, we can practice it throughout our lives. In Play It Away - A Workaholics Cure For Anxiety I liked the idea, of instead of inviting people for a coffee, we can invite them to play.
Something that works with recovery is thinking of graver, more everyday problems, than what the my mind is worried about at default. For example, I might be worried about how someone will not be pleased reading something I write, and feeling emberrassed, preoccupied with the thought I become blocked and not write. Now, I can imagine that there are people who, after a stroke, cannot as much as move. This thought is very humbling, and it makes me appreciate, and be lighthearted about all the awesome things I am able to do. Also, if we can imagine worrying scenarios, we can also imagine simple, cool scenarios. "I think that person thinks that I think...therefore I do, and I accept this as reality" the attention is diverted to something, but it might as well be diverted/focused to something healthy.
The idea of MVP seems to connect to this notion. Working in stealth mode, building something on assumptions, as opposed to making prototypes with a single feature. We can further develop a minimum viable product based on feedback, and users need.[^1]
[^1]: Christian Mayer, The Art of Clean Code - Best Practices to Eliminate Complexity and Simplify Your Life (No Starch Press, 2022)
d3 cointoss outcomes probability model in markdown #
We can write HTML, CSS and JavaScript files, and link them in a markdown page like the present one
<iframe src="path/to/html/file.html" width="100%" height="500"></iframe>
<iframe src="/inserts/d3_coin_toss/coin_toss.html" width="100%" height="500"></iframe>
Amazon Q and Codewhisperer work very well in building stuff, and in learning to code, because they allow me to build from existing elements, and help correct code at ease.
Of course it does not work, I linked coin_toss.html
as the source, instead of coin_toss.js
. Collaborating with computer agents is associated with high achievement in mathematics learning, I think this was shown by a PISA study. I certain ly feel it, but this might be the power of belief.
GROWTH MINDSET is the key to everything 😌. And this is an excellent tutorial on growth mindset.
I'm so happy, I corrected the source link to .js
and the D3 probability model appeared in the webbrowser. It's quite ugly I guess, but I love it, "it's so cool!". It's magic.
<iframe src="/inserts/d3_coin_toss/coin_toss.js" width="100%" height="500"></iframe>
This does not work either, because the html is to be linked, and the html file will refer to the javascript script.