Miscellaneous ideas.
- Exercise: matching nouns from the NumPy, Scikit-Learn, Sympy, Pandas and Matplotlib documentations with appositives
| **List of Nouns** | **List of Appositives** |
| Module | Computational toolkit |
| Index | Predictive system |
| DataFrame | Ordered array |
| Plot | Mathematical subroutine |
| Equation | Graphical representation |
| Array | Positional identifier |
| Symbol | Software component |
| Algorithm | Distinct characteristic |
| Visualization | Multidimensional structure |
| Vector | Algebraic representation |
Unless I revisit jot down ideas that accumulated over the years, those ideas are at risk of being consigned to oblivion.
| **Nouns** | **Appositives** |
| Command | *Enhanced algorithmic efficiency* |
| Redirection | *Input stream redirection* |
| Feature Engineering | *Advanced model evaluation technique* |
| Pipeline | *Symbolic representation of data* |
| Grid Search | Streamlining predictive modeling |
| Classifier | Iterative optimization process |
| Hyperparameter | Streamlined decision-making framework |
| *Cross-Validation* | Adaptive hyperparameter tuning |
| Training Set | Fine-tuning predictive models |
| Decision Tree | *Intelligent feature manipulation* |
Even though these appositives might not be correct matches for the nouns, my brain works hard at interpreting and making connections of these concepts.
$\begin{aligned} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \end{aligned}$
Echoing an input can be achieved with process substitution:
$ echo $(seq -s ' ' 2 2 10)
2 4 6 8 10
What is the difference of process and command substitutions? What is a tee
, and what is a subshell
$ echo $(seq 2 2 10)
2 4 6 8 10
It starts to make sense:
$ $(echo)
$ $(echo "hellow world")
-bash: hellow: command not found
$ $(echo "hello world")
-bash: hello: command not found
$ $(echo seq)
usage: seq [-w] [-f format] [-s string] [-t string] [first [incr]] last
$ $(echo seq 2 2 10)
inside the command substitution $(command)
must return a command:
$ $(echo echo "hello world")
hello world
$ tr -s '[:space:]' '\n' < mse_issue.c | grep -v '^$' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 10
14 =
7 cdef
5 SIZE_t
4 y_ik
4 w_y_ik
4 w
3 const
3 +=
3 *
$ grep -E "\b\w+\b" .
grep: .: Is a directory
In Python One-Liners there is an exercise, I paraphrased it using a dictionary from Sympy:
>>> assumptions = {"finite": True, "infinite": False, "commutative": True, "positive": None}
>>> print(assumptions.items())
dict_items([('finite', True), ('infinite', False), ('commutative', True), ('positive', None)])
>>> true_assumptions = [(k, v) for k, v in assumptions.items() if v]
>>> print(true_assumptions)
[('finite', True), ('commutative', True)]