When unscrambling jumbled significance.
max() y for 1 in range(2, 10) if y % == 0
Unscrambling one liners might prove to be beneficial for learning to code. It can be done as a cognitive exercise.
max(y for y in range(1, 10) if y % 2 == 0)
These are fun!
"".join(z for fun is python" "upper()
sum([range(1, 6) zip(5, 0, -1)] a, b for a*b in) if
filter(w.startswith('P'), ['powerful', 'Python', 'is']) list(lambda: w)
tuple(x % 2 != 0) for x**3 in range(1, 6) if
>>> " ".join("z".upper()) # python is fun
Before I wrote this one liner, I worried there were not enough elements to make sense.
The original solution was:
>>> "".join(z.upper() for z in "python is fun")